
Mostrando entradas de 2017
ANALYZING MY TEACHING PRACTICE: Hello again! This week I analized my teaching practice. I had the opportunity to  share my ideas on this  padlet brainstorming  . To my mind, there are too many things I would like to improve about my teaching practice. I find it quite hard to make my students participate in a more active way in the teaching and learning process. What I mean is that I would like to be able to make them participate more in the teaching part, including more collaborative and self-learning activities. On the other hand, the students’ usage of ITC resources in the class is a real challenge for me. For this reason, I would like to try doing more team work and collaborative work among the students. I would like to learn how to organize the students in groups that could work together in collaboration, building their own learning. I’ve already done some courses about this matter, but it always seems to me that with older students it’s easier. Definitely I would like
Hello everyone! This is my Learning Portfolio : a personal space for learning, sharing ideas and experiences. During the months of this Open eTwinning in 140 mooc I will have the opportunity to show you my achievements as well as my personal reflections on the course and on eTwinning! So... Let's go on reading...👀! What's etwinning? I can tell you in just one sence! Here you can read it I read many definitions of other colleagues either on etwinning or on Facebook. However I would like to point out this one  beacause it makes the teacher also a protagonist. As a teacher I have a tendency to focus just on the teaching and learning process, paying more attention to the students and to what they have to learn. I think I should also look for ways to improve myself, not only as a teacher but also as a person, and eTwinning is a wonderful way to do that. Don't you think? 🌟 But before going any further, I would like to introduce myself… so 3, 2 1… and CLICK HERE!