
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2017
Hello everyone! This is my Learning Portfolio : a personal space for learning, sharing ideas and experiences. During the months of this Open eTwinning in 140 mooc I will have the opportunity to show you my achievements as well as my personal reflections on the course and on eTwinning! So... Let's go on reading...👀! What's etwinning? I can tell you in just one sence! Here you can read it I read many definitions of other colleagues either on etwinning or on Facebook. However I would like to point out this one  beacause it makes the teacher also a protagonist. As a teacher I have a tendency to focus just on the teaching and learning process, paying more attention to the students and to what they have to learn. I think I should also look for ways to improve myself, not only as a teacher but also as a person, and eTwinning is a wonderful way to do that. Don't you think? 🌟 But before going any further, I would like to introduce myself… so 3, 2 1… and CLICK HERE!